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Get facts you can trust about tobacco in New York State. From flyers to infographics to one-sheeters, we have a variety of resources you and your organization can use to spread awareness about our initiatives. Download them below.
Tobacco Retail Licensing Enforcement Guide
Local tobacco retail licensing is a powerful tool that communities can use to shape their retail environment...
Store Assessments & Building Awareness August 2019
Store assessments are an essential component. These questions will guide you in executing an effective store...
Retail Environment Shadowbox Display Box Toolkit
Pictures speak a thousand words! Find products for sale in your community, and show how they compare to candy...
Retail Environment Observations Toolkit
Children who use e-cigarettes are twice as likely to smoke cigarettes later in life. Tobacco companies spent...
Retail Environment Counter Messaging
Pictures speak a thousand words! By using the tobacco retail signs anddisplays, be creative and write up some...
Retail Environemnt Chalk the Walk Activity Toolkit
When you can’t get together to take action, let the action happen from home.This is a toolkit that can help...
Point of Sale Marketing
Point of Sale (POS) tobacco marketing disproportionately affects specificdemographic groups such as youth...
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