Legislative Education Day 2023

QR code of the Landing Page
with all of the Resources for Lawmakers,
the Media, and other members of the community

LINK – NYS TCP Legislative Visit Schedule with Point People’s Contact Info

Click on image above for the Link to the recording on the TFNYS Sharefile – Password in ATFCinNYS100%

Sustainability Updates Call Recording (1/31/2023)

Passcode: 59hbW@70



  1. The Toll of Tobacco in New York – Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (tobaccofreekids.org)
  2. New York State Department of Health, Smoking and Disease (ny.gov) (Accessed 12/14/2022)
  3. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids https://www.tobaccofreekids.org/problem/toll-us/new_york (Accessed 12/14/2022)
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Population Health. BRFSS Prevalence & Trends Data CDC, 2020
  5. Bureau of Tobacco Control StatShot Vol. 14, No. 3/Sept.2021 https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/tobacco_control/reports/statshots/volume14/n3_milestones_in_tobacco_control.pdf
  6. Harrell, MB, et al. Flavored Tobacco Product Use among Youth and Young Adults: What if Flavors Didn’t Exist? Tob Regul Sci, 2017 April; 3(2): 168-173
  7. Bureau of Tobacco Control StatShot Vol.14, No. 1/Jan 2021 https://health.ny.gov/prevention/tobacco_control/reports/statshots/volume14/n1_menthol_cigarette_use.pdf

Earned Media

Access Earned Media Resources by Format from Dianne Patterson
Local Press Release Template
Media Contact List (Statewide)
Creating your own Local Media Contact List from Dianne Patterson

Google Sheet of Materials & T-shirt Orders

The New York State Smokers’ Quitline 2022 state and regional highlights

These materials provide an overview of our work, while emphasizing our community-based outreach efforts and the diverse groups we serve. Please use these materials to educate others about the value of the program and to support tobacco control work across NYS, especially for LED and legislator visits.  These documents can be accessed here.


Colors – Black, Teal (pantone 3272 C #00a39c) and White


Legislative Grid




New York State Tobacco Control Program Contacts


Where to go, how to get there, where to eat

  • It is $10 to park in the visitors lot, no matter what time you arrive
  • When you arrive you take a ticket and pay by the elevators
  • There are no pay stations in the concourse
  • If you are there for less than 90 minutes, there is no charge. If you put your ticket into the machine, it WILL charge you $10 anyway. Instead, just drive to the gate to exit and it will let you out without a fee.
  • Make sure to request a receipt at the machine. Your parking ticket is NOT a receipt for reimbursement because they will take it upon your exit.
  • There are a few nice people working in the garage at the booth and machines but they will offer no information unless you ask a question.
  • https://www.google.com/maps/image
  • Google Map Parking

We have permission (sponsored by Assemblyman Dinowitz) to utilize the following spaces. 
1) “The Well “
2) The entry and hallway to “The Well” area
3) Meeting room #104 


Engage people to share those that have been impacted by tobacco. Write it on a sticky note and put it on the display.

Engaging Lawmakers in the Well
Photo Wall
“The Well”
Group Photo will be taken right after YAYA